Versatile Tracked Vehicle Utility Tracked Vehicle

MuddTrax 1000 MTX-M The Versatile Tracked Vehicle

1000 MTX-M The Versatile Tracked Vehicle The 1000 MTX-M is the versatile tracked vehicle, with its ability to travel over most surfaces. Like SnowTrax snowcats, MuddTrax is a low ground pressure vehicle that will stay up on top of the snow. Track Lead Angle – MuddTrax have a tall lead in angle on the track. This allows MuddTrax to navigate …

Personal Winter Tracked Vehicle, Remote Access Machine

SnowTrax 2000 Commercial Series: The Ultimate Remote Access Machine

The ultimate remote access machine is the SnowTrax 2000 Commercial Series. So, which one will you choose? The ultimate remote access machine? There are a few who claim to have this title, but only one machine stands atop the snowy mountain.. The SnowTrax 2000 Commercial Series. Let’s take a look and see what they have to offer. SNOWTRAX 2000TD4 Standard …

Remote Access to Rough Terrain

Search and Rescue Usually Means Remote Access to Rough Terrain

When you hear “search and rescue” it usually brings to mind some remote access to rough terrain. Remote access to rough terrain means getting to the victim quickly and safely is the goal in search and rescue. You want a vehicle that can get off the road and get into tight spots without getting stuck. MuddTrax and SnowTrax by LiteTrax …

Remote Access to Mountain Cabins

Remote Access to Mountain Cabins

Are you in need of a vehicle that can get you remote access to mountain cabins? You’ve found it. Lite Trax vehicles are the best in the market when it comes to remote access to mountain cabins. Both SnowTrax and MuddTrax vehicles are designed and built to access remote areas and are perfect for transporting people and gear. The differences you …

Best Bad Weather Vehicle

Lite Trax: The Best Bad Weather Vehicle

When it comes to the best bad weather vehicle on the market, none can compete with the Lite Trax! We all have searched for the best bad weather vehicle, and been left wanting…until now! With the utility features of the Lite Trax, you’ll never let the bad weather keep you inside again! GROOMING LiteTrax SnowCats are perfect for grooming both …


Both SnowTrax and MuddTrax vehicles are designed and built to get to remote access areas, and are perfect for transporting people and gear. The differences you will find are that SnowTrax is unique in it’s ability to stay up on top of the snow and is designed as an implement carrier. MuddTrax has the ability to handle obstacles, mud, and water. …

remote access


Both SnowTrax and MuddTrax vehicles are designed and built for remote access into areas and are perfect for transporting people and gear. The differences you will find are that SnowTrax is unique in it’s ability to stay up on top of the snow and is designed as an implement carrier. MuddTrax has the ability to handle obstacles, mud, and water. Remote …

snowcat basic uses


Here’s some basic uses for the awesome SnowTrax! SnowTrax vehicles are designed and built to access remote areas and are perfect for transporting people and gear. If you have a specific task you are looking to accomplish, you will find both SnowTrax are equipped with features to allow you attachment points and onboard hydraulic power to meet basic uses. Snow …

personal snowcat

Personal Snowcat 101: Questions and Answers

Looking to get a personal snowcat? Read this first! Some words of advice to personal snowcat shoppers. My experience comes from use of personal snowcats for access to my house in the winter (full-time) during the last 25 years. Snowcats have become my hobby and I have accumulated very helpful knowledge for people in search of a cat. If you’re …

mighty muddtrax Adventure Tracked Vehicle

The Mighty MuddTrax!

An Overview of The Mighty MuddTrax! Track Lead Angle The Mighty MuddTrax have a tall lead in angle on the track. This allows MuddTrax to navigate over large objects such as logs, rocks, and steep banks. As needed, the lead angle changes to a shallower angle as it traverses objects, requiring less power and providing for a smoother ride. Track …