Cleaning & Maintaining Snowcat Vehicles

Washing Your Snowcat

If you haven’t had a chance to clean your Lite Trax and other winter vehicles yet this summer, now is the time! Winters can be brutal on machinery and keeping them in tip-top shape is important. A well-kept machine will last years longer than a neglected one. Over the winter, salt, dirt, and other debris can build up, ultimately causing rust and damage. Ideally, you should wash your Lite Trax vehicle before you put it in storage each year to prevent corrosion. So if you haven’t already, pull out your hose and bucket, and get ready to deep clean your Lite Trax. Here are some tips:

Winter Rinses

If you are using your Lite Trax vehicle to plow roads that have been salted, this is especially important. In a perfect world, you would be able to rinse your vehicle off after every use. We know this is unrealistic, so just be sure to give it a nice rinse whenever you can with hot water during the winter.

Rust Spots

Because of the harsh work environments that Lite Trax vehicles encounter, you might start to notice rust after years of use. Like a car or truck, this is completely normal. When deep cleaning your Lite Trax, check for rust spots and if you do see them, sand down the rust and treat it with a metal protective coat. You’ll see rust spots most commonly in areas of contact (such as the plow).


Before you store your vehicle and after you take it out of storage, check the contact points and see if they need to be greased. A solid layer of lubrication will keep your vehicle moving smoothly throughout the snowy season.

If you have any questions about the care and maintenance of your Lite Trax vehicle, feel free to visit our site and contact one of our staff for advice.