Preparing For Winter Storms

It might seem far off, but winter is quickly approaching (sorry). While you are making sure to enjoy the rest of your summer and jump into fall, there are a few things you should be doing to prepare for winter storms. Correct preparation will make the winter a little less daunting, and a little more relaxing. Doing the work ahead of time enables you to enjoy the outdoors while it’s nice, and spend more time indoors while the weather is less appetizing. Here are some things you can do to get yourself prepared for the upcoming winter:

Get Your Firewood Together

Although it seems like common sense, now is the time to get out there and chop that wood that you’ll be burning all winter long, whether you use your fireplace recreationally, or rely on a wood stove for heating, you will want to get your logs and kindling wood into a dry area where they can dry out for the remainder of the warm months. Don’t place them in an area where they are easily exposed to moisture. Use your Lite Trax vehicle as a tool to easily move large amounts of wood if need be.

Replenish Your Stockpile

Summertime is a great time to go through your pantry and cellar stockpiles. Take note of not only your food stock, but necessities such as toilet paper and batteries. Take advantage of grocery store sales between now and fall to stock up on canned and dried goods. Grocery stores will have a whole slew of sales between now and winter time. Start thinking about your baking, daily cooking, and holiday ingredient needs. You’ll find better prices on baking goods over the summer than you will around the holidays.

Clean Debris On Your Property

Perhaps you have been putting off that tree that needs to be cut down for too long. Or maybe you have a pile of left over construction materials. These things can wait a few days to weeks in the summer time; but if you let them sit until snow fall, they’ll get covered and pose a bigger problem. There have been tons of times where I’ve forgotten about stumps and run them over once the snow covered them up. Get your ground clear and make sure your driveway is able to easily be plowed. Don’t forget that your Lite Trax is useful if you need to get through muddy or steep areas.

Store Your Summer Supplies

Wait this one out a few more months. But it is worth mentioning that you should be clearing out a space for the grill in the garage. In addition, your window and door screens will last much longer if you take them down during the winter. Chances are that your windows will not be opened, and the danger of bugs entering through them is almost nil. Clear out some space for the screens as well.


Also! Keep in mind that now is the time to clean your snow cat and get it ready for the approaching winter. Here are some tips.